«Capacity building of local consultants on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Kyrgyz Republic» project.
Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Development (CREEED) implements «Capacity building of local consultants on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Kyrgyz Republic» project with financial support of BAS EBRD (http://www.ebrd.com/sbs/kyrgyzrepublic), UNDP-GEF Development of SHP Project (http:www.greenenergy.kg) and UNDP-GEF Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings project (http://kg.beeca.net).
The main purpose of the training series is to develop sustainable infrastructure of local business advisory services on implementation of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures in the rural areas of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The objectives of the project include:
• creating a pool of locally available consultants on RES and energy efficiency for development of renewable energy market, improving living standards of the population and supporting sustainable development of the Kyrgyz Republic;
• strengthening the local consultants capacity in providing advice on best solutions of energy problems of clients through using RES and energy efficiency;
• training local consultants on providing consultations and leading implementation projects, transferring skills of existing to new consultants;
• developing new type of consulting services model through providing local consultants with tools for assessment of potential benefits and costs of introducing a mix of RES and energy efficiency solutions;
• linking RES and EE consultants in a network that would promote growth and development of consulting services and implementation of RES and EE measures. To ensure that objectives of the project are achieved CREEED will implement following activities:
Phase 1:
• Research existing materials and develop/update informational materials (brochures, posters, models) and consulting manuals for biogas, energy efficiency, small hydro-power and wind, solar and thermal energy in Kyrgyz and Russian languages;
• Develop teaching plan and materials (presentations, handouts, case studies, before and after training tests) for all 3 types of trainings in Kyrgyz and Russian languages;
• Develop tools for assessment of potential benefits and costs of introducing a mix of RES and energy efficiency solutions to be provided to the consultants in Kyrgyz and Russian languages. The tools will be developed in form of Excel files which would automatically perform cost-benefit analysis of different RES and EE solutions;
• Organise informational campaign for attracting participants of the training series, taking into account necessity of technically skilled participants in Kyrgyz and Russian languages;
• Provide first round of trainings to selected participants in Kyrgyz and Russian languages;
Phase 2:
• Provide second round of trainings to selected participants;
• Organise round table for sharing and discussing results of the 1st and 2nd phases of the project, planning further activities necessary to strengthening the local consultants capacity.
Phase 3:
• Organise/oversee 3 round of hand-on trainings by facilitating BAS projects on implementing RES and EE measures in the regions of the KR.
• Financial support of Phase 3 will be provided in the framework of separate consulting projects within BAS Programs.
By March 2013 CREEED prepared brochures on biogas and solar technologies, mini and micro HPP, finishing brochures on energy efficiency, wind and heat energy, is developing more detailed manuals on each technology in the KR that could be used for deeper study and implementation.
Introductory trainings on RES and EE were provided for participants from all 7 provinces of the KR, проведены 106 participants were interviewed for determining their potential as technical consultants, and tested- 63 participants passed the tests and became candidates to consultants on 1 or 2 directions of RES/EE.
In-depth 2-tour training on biogas technology was provided to 23 candidates, who were later tested to determine the level of their knowledge – 14 of participants have passed to participate in 3rd, final project tour, that includes active participation in practical implementation projects of CREEED and partners.
Candidates from all provinces of the KR participate in practical project of CREEED on installing and commissioning 12 Solar PV systems for first-aid stations of the KR and are aquiring practical skills that would allow CREEED to recommend them as independent consultants.
Other in-depth trainings on solar and heat energy, small HPP and wind energy, energy efficiency are in development and are planed for April 2013.
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