CREEED has prepared introductory information brochure on biogas technology in Russian and Kyrgyz languages within the framework of CREEED Project “Capacity building of local consultants on renewable energy and energy efficiency” with the financial support of the EBRD BAS Programm (http://www.basp.biz/) and UNDP project “Small Hydro Power Development» (http://www.greenenergy.kg).
The brochure contains minimum information necessary for gaining an understanding of the principle of operation of solar plants being able to make an informed decision about the profitability of introducing solar installations for hot water production, heating, and electricity generation.
Broshure is addressed to a wide audience: managers, researchers, government agencies, students, educational institutions, entrepreneurs in the field of agriculture and farmers.
Broshure “Introduction to solar energy” in Russian
Broshure “Introduction to solar energy” in Kyrgyz
Broshure “Introduction to biogas technologies” in Russian
Broshure “Introduction to biogas technologies” in Kyrgyz
This post is also available in: Russian